Disclaimer: features differ based on Subscription Plan
To log in to the monitoring system, specify the username and password on the authorization page. The characters used in these fields are case-sensitive. Next, select the interface language. If necessary, you can change the language later in the user settings.
After indicating the required data, click Log in.
When using a personal computer, you can enable the Remember option to save the indicated data. In this case, the next time you enter the system you will not be asked to input your login and password again. Moreover, this option is necessary to automatically enter the system in case of losing the session. The option is limited to 30 days. It is disabled when you sign out.
For an account with two-factor authentication enabled, in addition to the password, you should enter a verification code which is sent via email or SMS (the code is valid for 5 minutes).
If the login did not occur and the entered code became red, then it was entered incorrectly. If you enter the wrong code repeatedly, the login is temporarily blocked.
If you have not received the verification code, click on the Resend the code button (it becomes active within 30 seconds after the first request). When using two-factor authentication via SMS, you can select how to resend the code: send SMS or email.
If the current time is displayed in red and in the middle of the screen you can see a warning message (Unable to connect to the server. The page will be reloaded automatically when the connection is restored), then there is no connection to the server for more than two minutes. This can be caused by Internet connection failure or some internal system problems. After the connection is restored, the message disappears automatically, and the system continues its work. If the connection to the server is lost for 5 minutes and more, the session is terminated. After the connection is restored, the authorization page opens. If the Remember option has been enabled, you are signed in automatically.
Getting a new password
If you have already registered in the system but forgot the password, click on the Forgot your password? link. Enter your username, indicate the email address and click on the Reset password button. If the entered data matches the existing data in the database, a link to the page with the new login password is sent to the indicated address. The link is valid for two hours after the message was sent. You can use this link only once.
If you have pressed Forgot your password? by accident, delete the received email with a password reset link and use your previous login and password. If you follow the link, you must use a new password.
Password change
If the Can change password option is activated on the General tab of the user properties, then, according to the security rules, the password change is required at first login. In the window that opens, type in the current password, and then enter the new password twice (the second time in the Confirm password field). The new password must differ from the current one and meet the security requirements.
The current password for the user you logged in as can be changed on the Security tab in the user settings. However, not all users are allowed to do this. Contact your service administrator for more information.
Log in as another user
You can log in to the system as another user.
If you want to log in as another user from the authorization page, you should enter your user name and password, click on the Log in as link and select the required user in the window that opens. After logging in, you have access only to those elements and actions with them that are available to this user. The login history is stored in the account with which you have entered the system.
To switch to another user after logging in, click on the icon located to the left of the username.
It opens a dialog box with two columns: a list of available users and their accounts. Users-creators of accounts are marked with the icon to the left of their names. Click on the name of the required user to authorize in the current tab, or click on the icon to open the page in a new tab. To search for users or accounts, you can use the dynamic search (it is regulated by the filter to the left of the search). In this case, the login is not saved in the user's history.
There is an alternative way to log in as another user. To do this, open the Users tab and click on the icon next to the name of the required user. If you do not have enough access rights, the icon is disabled.
After logging in as another user, the username is indicated in brackets to the right of the main user (in the right corner of the top panel).
To switch back to the main user, click on the icon to the right of the name and confirm your action in the window that opens.
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