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Route points refer to check points indicated when creating a route. The table can include the columns described below.



Point name

The name which is given to this checkpoint while creating it.

Real arrival

The time when the unit entered the checkpoint.

Scheduled arrival

The time when the unit was supposed to enter the checkpoint according to the schedule.

Initial location

The location at the time of entry.

Real departure

The time when the unit left the checkpoint.

Scheduled departure

The time when the unit was supposed to leave the checkpoint according to the schedule.

Final location

The location at the time of departure.


Visited (both entrance and exit were detected), Entrance onlyExit onlySkipped.


The name of the route to which this checkpoint belongs.


The name of the schedule.


The name of the ride.

Arrival time deviation

A positive value if delayed, negative value if in a hurry in regards to the arrival time set in the point properties.

Departure time deviation

A positive value if delayed, negative value if in a hurry in regards to the departure time set in the point properties.

Presence duration

The time spent at the checkpoint.

Presence mileage

The mileage at the checkpoint.

Section duration

The time spent to travel from the previous checkpoint to the current one.

Section mileage

The mileage from the previous checkpoint.


The number of points.


The name of the driver (if available).


The name of the trailer (if it was assigned).


An empty column for your custom comments.

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