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The Chronology report gives information about all the actions and changes in the unit state during the indicated period of time. Unlike most of the tables that are dedicated to a particular state (parkings, sensors, trips, etc.), this table combines events of various kinds, which allows seeing the complete picture of the movement.

The following types of events can be included in the report (in the template select the required):

  • Trips;

  • Parkings;

  • Stops;

  • Engine hours;

  • Fillings;

  • Thefts;

  • Events;

  • Drivers;

  • Trailers;

  • Speedings;

  • Connection loss;

  • Sensor trigger.

For the last type, you should also enter one or two masks which should be included in the report. It should be noted that only digital sensors are used to generate this table.

To form a table, you can select the columns described below.




Trip, parking, stop, engine hours, filling (or reg. filling), theft, event (or violation), driver, connection loss, sensor.


The time taken from the message that precedes the one in which the beginning of the given state was fixed.

Initial location

The location of the unit at the initial moment.


The moment when the detected activity finished.

Final location

The location of the unit at the final moment.


The duration of the state.


For trips and speedings — mileage, for events and violations — the text of notification, for engine hours — duration, for drivers — driver's assignment/separation and name, for fuel fillings and thefts — the volume of fuel and sensor name, for sensors — sensor activation/deactivation.


An empty column for your custom comments.

The system does not calculate the duration of the state for fillings and thefts. Therefore, the beginning and end time for fillings/thefts, as well as the initial and final location coincide in the Chronology table, and the duration column displays zero value.