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The report provides you with information on how a driver handles the entrusted vehicle. Analysis of the driving behavior can help you extend the life of the vehicle, reduce fuel costs, ensure cargo safety and also understand the reason for any case of emergency.
Before generating the Eco driving report it is necessary to indicate settings on the same-name tab of the unit properties dialog. Eco driving analysis is based on the data received during the trip.
The table may include the information described below.
If the Rating by violations column is included in the table, then units/drivers can be placed in the table according to the violations committed (from the lower rating to the highest one). To do this, select the total grouping by rating in the parameters of the report template. The violations rating is calculated by the system on the basis of the eco driving ranks. In case the ranks are similar, the system takes the covered mileage into account. The higher the mileage value with the same rating, the lower the rating by violations is. Note that the system supports the visual marking of the rating fields according to the eco driving rank. To do this, select the colours and the values matching them in the corresponding block of the report template parameters.
Note that it is easier to analyze the received report if the grouping option was applied to the report template. The information received in the report can be grouped on the basis of different criteria, such as time (year, month, week, day, shift), type of violation and trips.
Moreover, in addition to grouping, an option of detalization can be applied. This option allows viewing the final level of nesting (date and time) inside of grouping. However, take into consideration that a penalty and rank can be given for a violation that occurred at a certain time interval (not immediately). That is why on the final level of nesting (date and time) a dash is given in the Rank column, and the Penalty column receives the value indicated on the Eco driving tab of the unit properties.
To display not only violations but all tips, activate the Show all trips option in the Additional parameters block of the Interval filtration section in the table settings.
Penalty scoring system
For each criterion, you can specify penalty points which should be credited for violations. Enter the number of points in the Penalty field on the Eco driving tab of the unit properties. The specified points are used when calculating values in the Penalties and Rank columns in the report. The main peculiarities of the algorithm used for calculating these values in the reports without grouping and with grouping can be found below.
Without grouping
If you don't use averaging, the penalty value (earlier specified on the Eco driving tab) is displayed next to every violation in the Penalty column of the report. The Total line for this column (if available) contains the sum of points for all violations.
If you use averaging (by mileage or by time), the Penalties column next to every violation also contains the penalty value that you have specified. The Total line for this column contains the sum of points for all violations divided by the number of minutes (averaging by time) or by the number of kilometers (averaging by mileage) in all trips in the report interval (including trips without violations).
With grouping
If you don’t use averaging, the sum of points for all violations in the group is shown for each parameter group in the Penalties column. The Total line contains the sum of points for all violations.
If you use averaging (by time or mileage), it is applied to each parameter group in the report table. In addition, if the report has the Total line, averaging is also applied to the total number of points earned. The averaging algorithm is described above.
Penalty-rank conversion
The system allows you to recalculate the received penalties into a six-point evaluation system.
The following algorithm is used: