Disclaimer: features differ based on Subscription Plan
Parkings are estimated according to the parameters set in the trip detector when configuring a unit. To get the information as accurate as possible, it is advised that you configure each parameter individually for every piece of equipment.
A parking is an interval of time when the following conditions are met:
Insignificant speed. The speed detected must fall in the range from 0 to the Minimum moving speed. When this speed is reached, the behaviour of the unit is regarded as a movement (=trip), if by the time and distance travelled it corresponds to the trip definition (the Minimum trip time and Minimum trip distance parameters). The parking, respectively, ends. However, if the time or distance travelled does not fit the scope of the trip, the parking is prolonged.
Sufficient time interval. This speed must continue for a period of time (and not less than Minimum parking time). If this time is not reached, the behaviour of the unit is not regarded as parking, but as a stop.
Insignificant location change. As it has been noted above, parking is also considered an insignificant movement in space, that is, a movement that does not exceed the Minimum trip distance parameter, if it is equal to or greater than the Minimum parking time parameter.
The information which can be presented in this kind of report is described below.
Column | Description |
Beginning | The time when the parking started. |
End | The time when the parking ended. |
Duration | The time interval of a parking. To determine the parking duration, at least two messages with speed values that are less than the specified minimum moving speed should be received from the unit. |
Total time | The time from the beginning of the first parking to the end of the last parking. |
Off-time | The time interval from the end of the previous parking to the beginning of the current parking (defined starting from the second parking). |
Location | The address where the unit was stationary. If there was an insignificant movement detected, the initial unit location is indicated. If the unit location is not available during the parking interval, then it is determined by the initial unit location on the trip that follows the parking. |
Coordinates | The coordinates of the unit during the parking (in decimal degrees). |
Driver | The name of the driver (if available). |
Trailer | The name of the trailer (if it was assigned). |
Counter | The values of the counter sensor. |
Initial counter | The counter value at the beginning of the parking. |
Finale counter | The counter value at the end of the parking. |
Avg temperature | The average temperature value registered for the parking interval. |
Min temperature | The minimum temperature value registered for the parking interval. |
Max temperature | The maximum temperature value registered for the parking interval. |
Initial temperature | The temperature value at the beginning of the parking interval. |
Final temperature | The temperature value at the end of the parking interval. |
Avg weight | The average weight value registered for the parking interval. |
Min weight | The minimum weight value registered for the parking interval. |
Max weight | The maximum weight value registered for the parking interval. |
Initial weight | The weight value at the beginning of the parking interval. |
Final weight | The weight value at the end of the parking interval. |
Status | The unit status registered during the current parking interval. It can be registered manually or automatically by means of a notification. If there are several registered statuses, the first of them is displayed. |
Count | The number of parkings (useful when grouping rows by years/months/weeks/days/shifts or for the reports on unit groups). |
Notes | An empty column for your custom comments. |
Image | The images received from the unit. Viewing images in reports and the functions available while doing this are described here. |

See Data in reports to learn how time (duration) can be formatted.
The interval filtration (by parking duration, sensor state, driver, trailer, fuel fillings/thefts, and geofences/units) can be applied to this table.
The parkings can be displayed on the map. To make use of this feature, select Parking markers in the report template.

Parkings should be distinguished from stops.
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